Difference between DDL and DML

Data Manipulation Language (DML also known) is a family of programming languages. They are used by computer programs and databases and users to manipulate data in a database - that is, inserting, deleting and updating data in the database.

Data Definition Language (DDL also known) is a programming language used to define data structures - such as its namesake suggests. First, its appearance in the model CODASYL database (a model in the industry consortium of information technology, such as the Conference on Data Systems Languages ??known). DDL has been in the schema for the database files, fields, and "sets" from which users can describe the data model. It was the first of its kind, defined in the SQL programmer. But now it is used in a
formal language to describe the data or information relating to structures (eg XML schemas).

The most popular form of DML is the Structured Query Language (SQL or). It is a language for data bases are used, and was developed for data management systems developed to manage relational databases (RDBMS or). There are other ways of DML is used, for example - in CODASYL databases S / DLI (IDMS, for example), and some others. DML consists of SQL changes, which means that stored data is changed ways, but the schema objects and databases are the same. The functionality of the DML is organized by the initial word in a statement. This word is a verb is usually the most - to meet next, some action. There are four specific verbs that trigger an action: SELECT ... IN, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

The DDL is used primarily to create - it's a few tables of new databases, indexes, or stored query to be done. A CREATE statement in SQL creates an object literally in any RDBMS. As such, the types of objects is created depends entirely on the RDBMS currently in use. Most RDBMS support tables, indexes, users, and creating database. Synonym In some cases, a control system and other DDL commands to create a particular transaction. This means that these functions should be reduced. The most common of the CREATE TABLE statement CREATE.

DML are numerous. They have different functions and capabilities between database vendors. There are only two languages, DML, but: procedural and declarative. Although there are several standards for SQL, most manufacturers have their own extensions to the standard, without the full implementation.

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